What shall we do about this radiance . . .?

What shall we do about this radiance which is at the heart of life?

If our knowledge of the world is rooted in ignorance what does that mean for how we view the world?

If we do not know ourselves we profess an incoherent faith, we hymn a praise to success which brings us suffering.

We follow the nostrums of the foolish, we are forever dreaming up new activities which draw us further and further from the happy reality of our being.

If we long for a deeper understanding it will come to us.

We can ask for nothing less.



If we are caught in a moment in the past – distant or immediate – we leave a trace. That continuity from ‘past’ to ‘past’ is a potential drag on the present. We come from where we have been.

But where we are now is a stepping stone to a future in which we create a virtuous spiral, a self-augmenting progression, which constructs a pathway to another discrete event unencumbered by the past.

This movement becomes a healing process for the aspiring mind, for each day is a new paragraph in the narrative. We create a future with a powerful and triumphant theme of renewal.

Two people meet . . .

Two people meet: self-image meets self-image. Nothing happens.

Two people meet: my image of you misinterprets you; your image of me misunderstands me. We fight.

Two people meet: one remembers that he is seeing an image; he feels superior and begins to patronize the other. My image of superiority meets with your indignation. Image looks coldly on image. Image vows revenge.

Two people meet: they know about this; they don’t go down that road. They talk, also in silence, without comparison, without contrast, remembering who they are, remembering who is the other.

That is a different world.

Thus is a different world created.

Consciousness awakening . . .

Our own consciousness – manifesting on awakening each day with all its limitless variety – is right there in front of us, immediately accessible to our direct observation. So a serious enquiry into our own consciousness must yield some interesting insights into the nature of consciousness itself. We are like a scientist with a microscope, but we need to turn the instrument round and examine our own source.

What then is the significance of that moment when we turn and look at ourselves,

when there is an infolding in on itself of consciousness,

when ‘consciousness becomes conscious of consciousness’?

What then happens?

We need to find out.

From Turmoil to Transcendence

An extraordinary moment – it looks like turmoil but is a necessary Transition. For many it is a Turning, for others a Transformation and for some, not just a few, a Transcendence.

Irrespective of our individual state or condition, this is a time for change.

In the Delphi Project we are exploring the nature of the change required: it begins with a change in consciousness and works its way through the Delphi Change Cycle.

Meanings in the Grid

Clearly, in interpreting the Grid we can ascribe meanings to particular locations: we can speculate about the significance of the centre, the borders and corners, and what it means to cross a particular line as we move from one quadrant to another. As we go deeper, we will see that it gives us an insight into our world: we become more conscious of what influences how we think and feel, more aware of why we behave as we do, and we can use this fresh insight to begin to change things in our life. We might even be able to chart a course through the Grid to get to a better location.

It is, however, a strange map which doesn’t show any streets or buildings, so if we wish to explore the potential of this simple structure we must supply the essential detail ourselves. We all have our own stories to tell, our own past setbacks and achievements, our own life to live. We each make our own map. We each make our own Grid and everyone’s grid is unique to themselves. So once we understand that the Grid applies to us, we face a serious question: can we see our own Grid? Can we see ourselves? Can we see our deep motives, what limits we set for ourselves, how we relate to others and what kind of world we create?

At any moment there is polarity and power. 

Every state that we are in, every place, has polarity and power.

We can represent our state on the Polarity Grid.

Exploring your Grid

The Polarity Grid is like a street guide to a place we haven’t visited before, although it seems very familiar. It invites us to develop a different point of view in life. We begin to see familiar things in a different light and if it helps some of us to arrive at a wiser and kinder vision of the world, then that would be a good thing. Once we get to know our way around, we probably won’t need the map anymore because it will have served its purpose. But it helps at the start; we can move in the Grid and we can certainly expand or extend our Grid, but even more important, we can go beyond the Grid. That’s why the Delphi Project exists – to help people achieve that.

We animate the Grid with our own story, with people and events, successes and failures

The Great Duality

The one certain, interpenetrating and overarching primordial reality is consciousness. We confidently claim that we are conscious individuals and yet, beyond the aggregate of all conscious individuals, a universal consciousness precedes, permeates and animates all life on earth and throughout space-time.

This notional separation of the individual and the universal appears as the Great Duality and yet we are not apart from, nor do we stand in opposition to, this universal consciousness. To realise that we are part of that is to realise that we have a universal being beyond and yet within the personal body. To embrace that universality is to access an intelligence and awareness which makes sense of our world and our place in it.